Verse on Premises 1.0.3 upgrade. Simpler than before

I installed VoP 1.0.3 this morning and I found, together with my friend and fellow IBM Champion Tim Clark, that the installation is very simple if you are upgrading from VoP 1.0.2 . Just delete the VoP 1.0.2 files from the <Dominodata>/domino/workspace/applications/eclipse/plugins and copy the new files from the zip file you downloaded, in there. No need to replace the design of iwaredir and no need to touch the mailfiles; the two views needed are the same as before.

Now we have delegation of mail and calendar and there is an indication of unread messages in the folders.

Crossware Mail Signature app in an hybrid environment and Domino FP9. Apply IF2 or it will not work

A customer of mine uses the solution from Crossware to apply signatures to outgoing mails. I am helping them in moving users from on-premises Domino to Smartcloud Notes. The Crossware solution works in an hybrid environment, where the mail is routed through the on-prem server, but for us it did not work. After contacting Crossware Support, they told me that the SMTP bug introduced in FP9 breaks the functionality of their solution.

I applied FP9 IF2 to the on-prem server and it fixed the issue.