Verse on Premises 1.0.3 – Credstore nsf is needed for calendar

This happened to me and to a customer. When moving our server to a different machine I forgot to move the credstore.nsf database; while my customer simply did not create it.

In both cases VoP was showing the email correctly but the calendar was empty; as soon as we fixed the issues, moving and creating the db, the calendar started working perfectly.

I have no idea of the relationship between the credential store database and the Verse calendar, but the fact is that without the db the calendar will not work.


The presentation me and Sharon James gave at Think
I will be speaking at DNUG 45


  1. Daniel Luginbühl
    20th April 2018 - 07:57

    Indeed ! I was working on this issue. And it will be more difficult if you have a mail cluster running and VerseOnP is installed on all cluster members. To get Verse up and running, you need to export the key to all cluster members.
    The hint about the cluster into the IBM guideline is (sorry) bullshit.

    Thanks very much also to Daniele Grillo for his Blog-Post:

  2. Roberto,

    Thanks for the wonderful post, it really saved my time.

    Strange, when researching on google did not find any document or tech note from IBM.

    100% agree with Daniel, guidelines for cluster in IBM really not helpful.

    Very helpful post.


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