Some lessons learned installing Huddo Boards
I had an engagement recently where I had to install Connections 7 plus Component Pack and Huddo Boards.
The story of the Connections and Component Pack installation has been interesting, the customer decided to change the domain name from something like company.local to a proper domain like after the installation was done; too long for this post but if you meet me at some event and want to know the details, ask me.
I have never installed Huddo Boards before, so that was an interesting challenge, and I managed to perform the installation successfully thanks to my friends and fellow HCL Ambassadors Urs Meli (Belsoft) and Wannes Rams (ISW). Their help has been really invaluable.
There are a couple of steps that gave me some problems so I will explain what I did to solve them following Urs suggestions, maybe it can be useful if you want to install Huddo Boards.
The version of Huddo Boards that ships with Connections is not the latest one, so I followed the instructions to install the most recent one from the Huddo docker repository on Dockerhub. Here are the instructions
If you want to do that, there is a setting that is not outlined in the documentation; you have to put this the boards-cp.yml :
useDockerHub: true
Put it in the minio: section like this

Another issue was that the ImageTag setting was not working for me. It is used to get a specific version of Huddo Boards from their repo but when I set it I could not pull the images locally. The solution is not use that setting, because if it’s not specified, then the installation will pull the latest version of Huddo Boards. To do this comment the ImageTag setting in boards-cp.yml like this