Sametime – Unable to log in to Grafana after upgrade from 12.0.2 to 12.0.2 FP1

For a customer I did the upgrade of Sametime Premium from 12.0.2 to 12.0.2 FP1.

The upgrade itself is uneventful, just run the command ./install and it does everything; as I previously said Sametime is the easiest product to upgrade in the HCL SW portfolio.

But after the upgrade the customer found that he could not access anymore the monitoring dashboard when using the admin console. We found that the upgrade does not keep the existing monitoring.env file but creates a new one, so to log in you have to use the default username and password (admin/admin). Once you log as admin the first time, it will ask you to change the password. Once done that you can edit the file monitoring.env and set the username/password of your choice so you will access the monitoring dashboard without having to manually log in.

Engage 2024 – Some random reflections

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