A new initiative from OpenNTF and HCL I am sure you will like

If you are “senior” enough, like me, i.e. you were playing with a Notes server when dinosaurs roamed the Earth, you surely remember the annual Yellowverse gathering event, Lotusphere.

Great opportunity to meet distant friends, and to learn from excellent technical sessions; but one was for sure everyone’s favorite, the last one to close the show, “Ask the Developers”. If don’t know what I am talking about, it was a session where 15 / 20ish developers from the lab were on stage and everyone could ask any kind of technical question to them. There were Product Managers too, in case someone asked “Where is Domino Designer for my Mac?” (IYKYK); that is the kind of question that a developer can’t answer.

OpenNTF and HCL are bringing you back to the future šŸ™‚ We will host each month a Open Mic session with HCL Developers, on different topics, where you can ask them your toughest questions. Please keep it as focused as you can on the specific topic, asking again when the Designer for Mac will ship would just be a waste of time…. šŸ˜‰ . In order to avoid confusion, the session will be moderated, i.e. we will unmute a person at a time to allow him to ask the question. It will not be all the mics open all the time.

This is the announcement video

The first session will be on Thursday Jan 23rd at 11 AM EST, 5 PM for us in Central Europe, 4 PM for the Brits, who always like to be different šŸ˜› , and the topic will be “Domino authentication protocols”, with Dave Kern (aka the Resident Paranoid) and other member from the security team.

Please head over regularly to OpenNTF blog main page where we will publish all the dates and topics for the Open Mic sessions, as we already do for our webinars

See you there!

HCL Ambassador for 2025
OpenNTF OpenMic with the Developers – You can ask questions in advance now


  1. Patrick Kwinten
    13th January 2025 - 09:38

    Many “questions” (or requests) seem to be already addressed to HCL via the HCL Domino Ideas forum. The forum is moderated by Thomas Hampel. I do not know how ideas posted there are discussed or resonate within HCL?

    • This events are not only an opportunity to provide ideas for new features, but a chance to ask any question you have to the developers.
      AHA is used by Product Managers, this is different.

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