Verse on Premises 1.0.3 upgrade. Simpler than before

I installed VoP 1.0.3 this morning and I found, together with my friend and fellow IBM Champion Tim Clark, that the installation is very simple if you are upgrading from VoP 1.0.2 . Just delete the VoP 1.0.2 files from the <Dominodata>/domino/workspace/applications/eclipse/plugins and copy the new files from the zip file you downloaded, in there. No need to replace the design of iwaredir and no need to touch the mailfiles; the two views needed are the same as before.

Now we have delegation of mail and calendar and there is an indication of unread messages in the folders.

Crossware Mail Signature app in an hybrid environment and Domino FP9. Apply IF2 or it will not work

A customer of mine uses the solution from Crossware to apply signatures to outgoing mails. I am helping them in moving users from on-premises Domino to Smartcloud Notes. The Crossware solution works in an hybrid environment, where the mail is routed through the on-prem server, but for us it did not work. After contacting Crossware Support, they told me that the SMTP bug introduced in FP9 breaks the functionality of their solution.

I applied FP9 IF2 to the on-prem server and it fixed the issue.

Enabling Track Change in IBM Docs 2.0 CR3

IBM Docs 2.0 CR3 introduces a new feature, Track Change, that lets you see all the modification to the document made by other people who edited it.

To enable it, when editing a document go in the menu Team and select Track Change

You will see in the top right, next to the share button a new icon 

Clicking on this you will see all the changes

Clicking on a person icon you will see only the changes made by that person

Click again on the person icon to see all the changes.

You can also see a short video on how to enable it on the Docs guru Martti Garden blog here

Verse on Premises 1.0.2 IF1 fixes the problem of broken Notes links

Thanks to my fellow IBM Champion Jan Krejcarek who alerted me of the availability of IF1 for VoP 1.0.2

This fix resolves the problem of the broken Notes links I mentioned in a previous post.

You can get the fix here

Thank you IBM for listening and reacting in a short time.

Another badge received

Seems that IBM is converting all the certifications into badges. I received another one for a certification I have. If this is so, I expect more 🙂

Verse on Premises 1.0.2 breaks Notes links

Since I upgraded VOP to 1.0.2 all Notes links ( db links , view links and doc links) in a mail are shown as web links.

My friend and fellow IBM Champion Tim Clark made some tests after I told him of this, and he has found the same issues.

Hope IBM can look into this and fix it soon.

IBM, please fix the Feature Packs installations !

Every time there is a HotFix applied on top of a FixPack or Feature Pack, the installation of the new version of the FP fails. It says it found the wrong version. You have to uninstall the HotFix reverting back to the Base FP, then you can upgrade to the newest FP.
Recently I had installed on my server, and my customer’s server the HF238 for FP8 and I could not upgrade that to FP9; had to revert back to base FP8 before upgrading.

This is a nuisance, to say the least. Can someone from IBM Dev have a look into this and allow the installation of a FP on top of whatever version of the previous FP is there ?

IBM has released Orient Me

Just received this:

Dear IBM Connections Orient Me Customer,

The IBM Support team is contacting you to inform you that a new update to Orient Me 6.0 is available. The recent release of Docker 17.06 has an incompatibility with IBM Spectrum Conductor for Containers Community Edition 1.1.0 which results in an install failure for Orient Me  The Orient Me development team has made available a new release of Orient Me ( to address the install failure.  The installation change is the only update in Orient Me  If you have already installed Orient Me with Docker 17.03 then no action is required.  Otherwise please download the latest version of Orient Me from Fix Central before deploying.

We apologize to any inconvenience that this might have caused you.

The IBM Support Team