IBM Connections 5.5 small deployment guide by Chad Scott

The excellent Chad Scott from IBM has published a guide on how to set up a small deployment of Connections 5.5 with 5 servers. It’s very useful for production environments, when you want to set up something more complex than a single machine install.
The file is here  in the Socially Integrated community on DeveloperWorks; together with the doc there are some videos that show some of the various steps of the installation, you can find the videos here.

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IBM Connections Mobile APNS certificates expiring on 1/29/2016

IBM has just released this Support flash.


Users using IBM Connections Mobile will stop receiving Apple Push Notification Service (APNS) notifications after the certificates expire on 1/29/2016.


Download the iFix for your server version and apply. Some releases require a prerequisite iFix and the links for those are included.

IBM Connections Mobile v4.5 CR4 & CR5

IBM Connections Mobile v5.0 CR2

IBM Connections Mobile v5.0 CR3

       Prerequisite iFix LO86071 for v5.0 CR3

IBM Connections Mobile v5.5

       Prerequisite iFix for v5.5

IBM Connections 5.5 fix installation – a moment of panic and how to solve it

I installed the required fixes (,,, ) in my Connections 5.5 installation.

After doing this, I log in to Connections and I see this

As you can imagine I had a moment of panic. Why on earth has the UI reverted back to 5.0 ?
Thanks to the excellent Charlie Price of IBM I found the solution: go in C:\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer\profiles\AppSrv01\temp and delete everything in there; clear your browser cache and at the next log in everything will be back to normal 🙂