I uninstalled CCM from my Connections deployment, and needed to reinstall it. When I ran Installation manager to install CCM, it failed; looking in the install.log under c:\IBM\Connections (my installation directory), I found this:
RUN: “C:\temp\5.2.1-P8CPE-WIN.EXE” -i silent -f “c:\IBM\Connections\tmp\ce_silent_install_windows.txt”
+ “C:\temp\5.2.1-P8CPE-WIN.EXE” -i silent -f “c:\IBM\Connections\tmp\ce_silent_install_windows.txt”
Exit code: 0
RUN: “C:\temp\” -i silent -f “c:\IBM\Connections\tmp\ceclient_silent_install_windows.txt”
+ “C:\temp\” -i silent -f “c:\IBM\Connections\tmp\ceclient_silent_install_windows.txt”
Exit code: 0
Replace place holders in template file [c:\IBM\Connections\lib\filenet\FNCS-] to new file [c:\IBM\Connections\tmp\FNCS-].
RUN: “C:\temp\IBM_CONTENT_NAVIGATOR-2.0.3-WIN.exe” -i silent -f “c:\IBM\Connections\tmp\FNCS-”
+ “C:\temp\IBM_CONTENT_NAVIGATOR-2.0.3-WIN.exe” -i silent -f “c:\IBM\Connections\tmp\FNCS-”
Exit code: 2000
RUN: “C:\temp\IBM_CONTENT_NAVIGATOR-” -i silent -f “c:\IBM\Connections\tmp\FNCS-”
+ “C:\temp\IBM_CONTENT_NAVIGATOR-” -i silent -f “c:\IBM\Connections\tmp\FNCS-”
Exit code: -1
ERROR: FileNet [fncs] installer [IBM_CONTENT_NAVIGATOR-] failed, exit code [-1]:
Seems Filenet installed correctly but Content Navigator no, there are two lines that caught my attention, those highlighted in red; the exit code of ICN 2.0.3 and of ICN 2.0.3 FP5. The last one is pretty clear, means an error, the first one is more mysterious for me, I don’t know what an exit code 2000 means.
The result of this is that Filenet and Content Navigator does not install, but in the list of installed programs in Windows you see Filenet. Pretty strange, no?
So I dug a bit deeper and under c:\IBM\Connections i found a directory FNCS that contained only a subdir “logs”, in which there were two files:
IBM_Content_Navigator_2.0.3_InstallLog.log and IBM_Content_Navigator_2.0.3_FP005_InstallLog.log.
Opening the latter, the cause of the error is very clear, it says:
Additional Notes: FATAL ERROR – Wed Dec 23 19:08:08:145 [ERROR] The install was aborted for the following reason: You must install IBM Content Navigator, Version 2.0.3.[0-4] before you can install the Fix Pack.
So seems it has not installed ICN 2.0.3, and looking at the first log I found this:
Additional Notes: FATAL ERROR – Wed Dec 23 19:07:09:782 [ERROR] The install was aborted for the following reason: The installer found the current version of IBM Content Navigator 2.0.3. Please uninstall and reinstall the application to fix the installation.
I was puzzled, how could the installer find an instance of ICN already installed?
A chat with a friend from IBM, the excellent Chad Scott, who had the same problem, turned out to be very useful; he told me this:
“FNCS 2.0.3 installation failed. The IBM_Content_Navigator_2.0.3_InstallLog.log says “The installer found the current version of IBM Content Navigator 2.0.3.”. As I know, FNCS 2.0.3 installer will check a registry file called “.com.zerog.registry.xml” before installation, if installer finds FNCS information in this xml file, it will report an error and exit. So I believe FNCS information has been written in this file at the first time you installed Connections with CCM. At the second time you tried, FNCS installer detected this information and exited directly.”
So I went in C:\Program Files (x86)\Zero G Registry and found the file there. I opened it and indeed there were references to Filenet in there.
I cleaned it so that the file looked like this
<?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”UTF-8″?>
<registry install_date=”2015-12-23 10:59:40″ version=”1.1″ last_modified=”2015-12-28 16:11:58″>
Then I ran regedit, went in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Unistall and there were two references to Filenet and Content Navigator
I deleted them, so that Filenet did not appear anymore in the installed programs list.
Finally, I ran again Installation Manager to add CCM to Connections and everything worked fine.
Thanks Chad for pointing me in the right direction!
Today I installed Connections 5.5, and I discovered a nice new feature of the installer.
The installer performs the same steps as for Connections 5.0 up to the database connections; then there is a new thing. It asks if you want to Configure the IBM HTTP Server and you can choose “Do Now” or “Do Later”. If you choose “Do Now” it will configure automatically the applications to use the HTTP server, avoiding you to have to check out the LotusConnectionsConfig.xml file, edit it removing all the port numbers, and check it in again. Obviously if you select “Do Later” you’ll have to do that procedure manually, as it was in the previous versions of Connections.
Really nice, kudos to the developers for doing this.
and so
11th December 2015
After 9 years I’ll be speaking again at Lotusphere IBM Connect 2016.
I will have a session with the excellent Martti Garden on Connections Docs.
TI-1055 : IBM Connections Docs From Zero to Hero
Session Type : Technical Breakout
Date/Time : Tue, 02-Feb, 04:00 PM-05:00 PM
Venue : Hilton Orlando
Room : Lake Eola A
I am really humbled; to be in the same list with such a group of oustanding people is really an honour for me.
The full list of IBM Champions for Social Business 2016 is here
23rd November 2015
A new update of the IBM Verse app for iOS shipped yesterday, is 9.2.4 .
In this update one of the most notable features is the capabilty of syncing contacts betwee Verse and the device; this feature was described in the IBM Traveler 9.0.1 Infocenter but was not available since this update.
For a complete list of the new features see here.
11th November 2015
In the official documentation for Traveler, is said this “IBM Traveler servers must support SSL/TLS and have a valid certificate. For security reasons, the app will not connect to a server with a self-signed, expired or otherwise untrusted certificate, nor will it connect to a server configured for HTTP rather than HTTPS.”
See here
Well…. is not really true. I am using Verse on my iPad and connect to my Domino server, which has a self-signed certificate. Here are the steps needed to make this work.
- Use a browser and access your mail, in this example I am using Firefox. When you see the page, click on the lock icon next to the address
- Click on “More information” then on “View certificates” and then on the “Details” tab. There you see a button “Export”, click on it and export the certificate in crt format.
- Import this certificate into the device, for example sending it via mail. Whe you read the mail and click in the attached certificate, the procedure for adding a profile will start. Follow the instructions and you will find a new profile with the name of the exported certificate in the device.
Now Verse will let you connect to your mail server.
23rd October 2015
This is the excerpt for your very first post.
Continue Reading →
23rd October 2015