This is a post I would have never wanted to write.
As many of you know by now, our friend Andrea Fontana tragically passed away in an accident with his motorcycle last saturday, Aug 15.
I have been knowing him since the mid 90’s, when I was working in Lotus and he was working for a Business Partner. What started as a professional relationship soon turned out in a friendship and later in the 10’s when I left IBM we worked together quite a lot. He moved near Milano and we met often with the families.
In 25 years we made a lot of things together, so I could tell you lots of stories about him, but I simply can’t right now; I am still devastated by the loss of Andrea and can’t put my thoughts together. In any case I don’t think is necessary, anyone in our community that got to know him knows well the kind of person he was. He was appreciated and loved by anyone that had the opportunity of knowing him, not for his technical skills, which were excellent, but for his humanity.
This picture was taken at the Ice Bar in Stockholm, when we went to Social Connections 7; it was the first community event he spoke at and the beginning of his friendship with many members of our community.
By default when you install Sametime Proxy 11 it will use self signed certificates. My peer HCL Ambassador Ales Lichtenberg has written a blog post, here, about how to use a CA issued certificate. In his article he uses the .pem format for the certificates; I found there is another way to do this using the pfx format for certificates.
Once you have the pfx file, and the relative password, is very easy to configure Tomcat to use it. Open the server.xml file in the sametimeproxy\conf directory, edit it and change the connector stanza from this:
HCL had a webinar on Sametime 11 and they talked about some of the most commonly faced issues. If you have not attended the webinar, here is the presentation, the last slides are referring to the issues.
In my previous post here I described how to set up a Jitsi server using the Domino directory as LDAP. That setup required all the users to authenticate before joining a room.
A customer of mine wanted a different thing, he wants to do video meetings with people external to his organization, that obviously are not listed in the Domino directory. I did some research and in the Jitsi forums I saw some other people have done something on that topic, so in the end I came up with a solution.
The idea is this, an user need to log in to create a new room while a guest has only to click on the room link to access it without any authentication.
NOTE: to make this work you should do a apt update and apt upgrade to receive the latest version of the packages used. At first for me this was not working but after the upgrade it did.
1) Go in /etc/prosody/conf.avail, you will see a file with your hostname and the extension.lua. In my case the server is named Edit it and at the end of the file add this
3) Add this line in the /etc/jitsi/jicofo/ file
Now when a user access the server and create a room he is asked for credentials
All the other users can then join without being asked for credentials once the room is created.
If you set up two Jitsi servers, you can easily use both the solutions I described if you want to have internal users to authenticate and at the same time allow guest access. Use a server for internal meetings and the other for external ones. The Sametime web client can be configured with more than one external service provider. Unfortunately the Sametime connect client can not, you can define only one provider.
I have worked with my friend and fellow HCL Master Detlev Poettgen in setting up a solution to allow customers to use video-conferencing now, while we wait for Sametime Meetings to ship.
We have used Jitsi, the same technology used by Sametime meeting, and set up a raw integration. Is obviously not a fully integrated solution, but it works pretty well.
This is something useful for those customers who don’t want to use cloud services like Zoom or Webex or others, but prefer to have a completely on-premise solution, and I have more than one of this kind of customers.
To use this integration, change the preferences in the Sametime client and define an external meeting provider, using a room on the Jitsi server
The same for the web client
Installation and configuration of Jitsi
The first thing to do is to install Jitsi on Ubuntu server 18.04. You can find the instructions here
By default Jitsi does not use authentication, when you set up a Jitsi server, everyone who can access it can create a room or join an existing room.
There is the option to use LDAP for authentication, and I successfully set it up using Domino 11 as LDAP server.
I used the LDAP authentication for jitsi-meet via cyrus/saslauthd
At first, you need to install the following packages:
Sametime 11 FP1 has shipped, so me and my fellow Master and friend Matteo Bisi started upgrading our test servers immediately. We found a couple of thing you may want to be aware of in order to upgrade successfully.
Upgrading the Community server on Linux Matteo did a upgrade of ST to FP1, but for whatever reson it failed. He had 23 file starting with st* in the data direcory instead of 40. So he did a uninstall of Domino and installed it again. When trying the upgrade of Sametime he got this error
The problem is due to the fact that in the directory /var, there is a hidden file named .com.zerog.registry.xml. I looked into that file and found that it contained the information about Sametime 11 FP1
I told Matteo to remove all the lines relative to Sametime in the file so that it looked like this After that, the installation of FP1 was successful
Upgrading Sametime Proxy on Windows When you unzip the file you will see that it contains a directory “sametimeproxy”. Do not extract it where you already have your SametimeProxy overwriting the content. Extract it in another temporary directory. From that directory launch install.bat; accept the license and in the following screen you will see this The installer will recognize there is already a ST Proxy installed and ask you if you want to upgrade. If you select to do it, you will be asked where is it installed Specify the directory where is your existing ST Proxy This will upgrade your proxy server keeping the existing configuration.
I wrote a post explaining what to do to have user pictures show in the Sametime classic client and in the Sametime web client, here .
In a case, I found that the pictures did not show in the web client, so I opened a case with HCL Support. After debugging the problem, the great Trevor Tallackson found that my browser was trying to open a file that had a _tmp in the name while on his server it was requesting the correct file with a .jpg extension
The solution is to delete the content of the temporary directory that the Sametime Proxy uses to store people pictures. c:/sametimeproxy/temp/userphotos After doing that, I logged in again from the web client and the pictures were shown correctly.
If you want to enable photos in the Sametime client, there is documentation available, unfortunately it all refers to versions 9 or 10, where it was told to use the Sametime Console. Now in version 11 the Sametime Console does not exist, so how do you do that ? The Sametime Console wrote the settings selected in a series of XML configuration files, so the only way now to work is manually edit those files, see for example my previous post on enabling file transfer. With the help (again) of the excellent Trevor Tallackson from HCL I was able to set up the pictures in Sametime, here is how to do it
First add the picture URL in the person document in the Domino directory
Now edit the file UserInfoConfig.xml located in the Domino program directory and add those lines <Detail FieldName="PhotoURL" Id="PhotoURL" Type="text/plain"/> <Detail FieldName="PhotoURL" Id="ImagePath" Type="text/plain" /> in the section <Details> Add these two Detail Ids to the <ParamsSets> section <Set SetId="0" params="MailAddress,Name,Title,Location,Telephone,PhotoURL,ImagePath,Company"/> <Set SetId="1" params="MailAddress,Name,Title,Location,Telephone,PhotoURL,ImagePath,Company"/> These are needed because in the UserInfoConfig.xml file on the Sametime Community server, the Standalone Connect client and Embedded require ImagePath string detail, Mobile and Web clients require the PhotoURL detail
Note: do not copy/paste from above. I had reports it does not work well. Just add PhotoURL and ImagePath to the params= line.
For me it was not working initially, then Trevor wrote me this: Looks like the stconfig.nsf “UserInfo” document is getting in the way here. Add the following to your UserInfoConfig.xml file between <UserInformation> and <Resources> <ReadStConfigUpdates value= “false”/> This tells the UserInfoServlet to only use the UserInfoConfig.xml configuration.
Restart the server and now you have pictures in Sametime client
I stumbled into a problem at one of my customers. In the client, the icon for file transfer was greyed out and the one for sending a screenshot was missing,
I opened a case with HCL and the suggestion was to enable the setting im.3000 in the file policies.user.xml. to do so you have to edit the line <p:policy-attribute id=“im.3000” type=“boolean” current-value=“1” default-value=“1" master-attribute-link=“null” possibl ..... By default the current-value is 0, you have to set it to 1 I did that but the file transfer was not available the same.
After checking the file I found that there were 2 occurrences of im.3000, one for the im.default.policy and the other for the im.anonymous.policy, the problem is that this setting is written only in the section “”. I copied the lines from that section and added them in the “imserver.policygroup.filetransfer” section. <p:policy-attribute id="im.3000" type="boolean" current-value="1" default-value="1" master-attribute-link="null" possible-value-labels="null" possible-values="null" label="im.3000.label" description="im.3000.desc" visible="true"/>
Restarted the server and now in the client I had this
I checked with HCL, file transfer and screen capture are not allowed with Sametime limited use license. You should use the content of this blog post only to fix issues if you have a standard license and file transfer is not working. If you enable file transfer, you should upgrade your license to be compliant.