At Engage Barry Rosen from HCL and Drew Birnbaum from IBM gave a session on the future of VoP.
There will be a new release before V10, in the July-August timeframe
Here are the features planned
The there will be a V10 version when Domino 10 ships, these are the planned features
Then there will be a series of continuous releases between V10 and V11. These are the features planned for the first post V10 release. Number 1 is the ability of importing ics files
I have the honor of being selected as speaker for DNUG for three years in a row. This year I will be speaking about troubleshooting Connections.
My session will be June 20 at 14.35
You can see the agenda of the DNUG event here
This happened to me and to a customer. When moving our server to a different machine I forgot to move the credstore.nsf database; while my customer simply did not create it.
In both cases VoP was showing the email correctly but the calendar was empty; as soon as we fixed the issues, moving and creating the db, the calendar started working perfectly.
I have no idea of the relationship between the credential store database and the Verse calendar, but the fact is that without the db the calendar will not work.
Me and Sharon James will be speaking at the Swiss Notes User Group meeting in Zurich on April 18.
The title of our session is “A hitchhiker’s guide to troubleshooting Connections”.
13th February 2018
I received the notification of the schedule for the session me and Sharon James will do at Think.
Session : 1409
Title : A Hitchhiker’s Guide to Troubleshooting IBM Connections
Program : Core Curriculum
Topic : Collaboration
Subtopic : Social Networks and Collaboration
Session Type : Breakout Session
Date/Time : Mon, 19-Mar, 12:30 PM-01:10 PM
Location : Mandalay Bay South, Level 2 – Surf B
Presenter(s) : Roberto Boccadoro, ELD Engineering; Sharon James, BCC
If you work with IBM Connections and are interested, come and drop us a visit.
Also don’t forget Nico Meisenzhal session on troubleshooting. He will speak Monday at 10.30 a.m. Session number 1574a
2nd February 2018
I have been confirmed as IBM Champion for 2018. Is a great honor for me to be in this group.
I would like to thank all the people who nominated me and Alan Hamilton, our ICS Champion wrangler, and Libby Ingrassia, the general IBM Champion manager, for the work they do for us.
12th January 2018
If you want to know which version of IBM Docs and which version of iFix is installed here is a way to do it.
Open SystemOut.log in the IBMDocsMember1 server and look for this line:
IBMDocs biuld info:{“ifix_version”:25,”build_version”:”″,”build_description”:”IBM Connections Docs 2.0.0″,”product_name”:”IBM Connections Docs”,”build_timestamp”:”20171030-1520″}.
Take note of the ifix version number, in this case 25.
Here is a table that list all the CR and iFix versions
Docs 2.0 iFix 003 | 3 |
Docs 2.0 iFix 004 | 4 |
Docs 2.0 iFix 005 | 5 |
Docs 2.0 CR1 | 6 |
Docs 2.0 CR1 iFix 001 | 7 |
Docs 2.0 CR1 iFix 002 | 8 |
Docs 2.0 CR1 iFix 003 | 9 |
Docs 2.0 CR2 | 15 |
Docs 2.0 CR2 iFix 001 | 16 |
Docs 2.0 CR2 iFix 002 | 17 |
Docs 2.0 CR2 iFix 003 | 18 |
Docs 2.0 CR2 iFix 004 | 19 |
Docs 2.0 CR3 | 25 |
Docs 2.0 CR3 iFix 001 | 26 |
Docs 2.0 CR3 iFix 002 | 27 |
Docs 2.0 CR3 iFix003 | 28 |
10th January 2018
Is a great honor for me that the session I proposed for Think 2018 has been accepted.
I will be speaking with the lovely and extremely competent Sharon Bellamy James, our session title is “A Hitchhiker’s guide to troubleshooting IBM Connections”
Sessions schedule is still being worked on, as soon as I know when our session is I will tell you.
I installed VoP 1.0.3 this morning and I found, together with my friend and fellow IBM Champion Tim Clark, that the installation is very simple if you are upgrading from VoP 1.0.2 . Just delete the VoP 1.0.2 files from the <Dominodata>/domino/workspace/applications/eclipse/plugins and copy the new files from the zip file you downloaded, in there. No need to replace the design of iwaredir and no need to touch the mailfiles; the two views needed are the same as before.
Now we have delegation of mail and calendar and there is an indication of unread messages in the folders.
20th December 2017