I'll be speaking at DNUG 2016

Today I received in my inbox the confirmation that I have been accepted as a speaker at the DNUG Konferenz 2016, which will be in Hamburg on June 1-2.

My session is IBM Connections Docs 2.0 from zero to hero, in which I will show the architecture of IBM Connections Docs and live-demonstrate how to deploy and integrate it with IBM Connections.
The full agenda of the event is here.

It is an event geared primarily towards a German audience, as you can see from the list of sessions, and I am one of the few English language speaker; I am sure that the fact that my usual partner in crime Martti Garden, who would have surely given the session in his native language, will be away on holiday has something to do with this 🙂

There are other friends and IBM Champions speaking at DNUG which is a great event, so if you understand the language is definitely worth attending.

IBM Connections iFix LO87906 may cause Files not work correctly in some circumstances

I performed an upgrade of Connections from 5.0 to 5.5 for a customer, and in the new environment Files were not working correctly using the web UI. When a user clicked on Files the page would get stuck showing “Loading…”.

In a chat with Michael Urspringer from IBM I found he had stumbled up on the same issue and that he solved it uninstalling iFix LO87906. So I did the same and the problem was gone; there is no official from IBM Support at this time, but the fact that two installations had the same problem and solved it by removing the fix leads toward the identification of LO87906 as the culprit. 

I have other installations, both new and upgraded from 5.0, where this does not happen so it seems that the fix breaks Files only in some specific circumstances I have not been able to identify, in any case if you see Files not working correctly it would be worth removing that fix and see if this solves the problem.

Connections related blogs list

My friend and fellow IBM Champion Christoph Stoettner has compiled a useful list of blogs that deal with IBM Connections and more in general with ICS solutions.

If you work with ICS products, you will find lots of useful info in those blogs, I strongly suggest you to check them out.

Sharon Bellamy http://dilf.me.uk/socialshazza
Christoph Stoettner http://www.stoeps.de/
Connections scripting http://scripting101.org/
Nico Meisenzahl http://meisenzahl.org/
Martin Leyrer http://martin.leyrer.priv.at/
Klaus Bild http://kbild.ch/
Susan Bulloch http://www.notesgoddess.net/
Kim Greene http://www.dominodiva.com/
Victor Toal http://notesbusters.com/
Roberto Boccadoro https://rob59blog.wordpress.com/
Gab Davis http://connections101.info/
The Turtle Partnership ( Gab davis again ) http://turtleblog.info/
Dave Hay http://portal2portal.blogspot.de/
Michael Urspringer https://www.urspringer.de/
Robert Farstad http://blog.robertfarstad.com/
Mitch Cohen http://www.curiousmitch.com/
Wannes Rams http://www.ramsit.com/category/blog
GIS blog http://techblog.gis-ag.info/
Milan Matejic https://milanmatejic.wordpress.com/
Martti Garden http://ibmdocs.com/
Rob Sullivan https://dontforgetthe0.com/
Ben Williams https://collaborationben.com
Rainer Brandl http://brandlrainer.blogspot.de/
Hogne Pettersen http://domino.elfworld.org/

IBM Connections 5.5 small deployment guide by Chad Scott

The excellent Chad Scott from IBM has published a guide on how to set up a small deployment of Connections 5.5 with 5 servers. It’s very useful for production environments, when you want to set up something more complex than a single machine install.
The file is here  in the Socially Integrated community on DeveloperWorks; together with the doc there are some videos that show some of the various steps of the installation, you can find the videos here.

I earned an IBM Badge

I have been issued an IBM Badge as Certification Exam Developer
